Publisher's Note
by CK
May is the month of flowers not just in the Philippines but also here in Calgary. A lot of my neighbors have done their spring cleaning and unfortunately I cannot cope up with them. I remember that during this time of the year my husband, Hank gets busier day by day. He takes care [...]
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Page added on December 17, 2009
Government taking action to balance budget by 2012-13
2009-10 Second Quarter Fiscal Update Highlights
Higher-than-expected investment income, oil royalties and corporate income tax revenues have improved Alberta’s fiscal outlook, but further spending reductions are required to balance provincial books by 2012-13.
Finance and Enterprise Minister Iris Evans released Alberta’s 2009-10 second quarter fiscal update, announcing a forecast deficit of $4.3 billion, approximately $400 million lower than forecast in Budget 2009. The improvement is the result of the increased oil, oilsands, investment and corporate income tax revenue, along with $430 million in in-year cost savings.
The current fiscal forecast reflects the full $430 million in-year cost savings to which government committed to help address the fiscal imbalance. Ministries were asked to reduce operating expense while providing the least amount of impact on front-line service delivery.
A transfer from the Sustainability Fund will be used to offset the deficit. The Sustainability Fund protects government program and infrastructure spending plans without needing to borrow to offset the deficit.
Revenue in 2009-10 is forecast to be $32.6 billion, almost $1 billion higher than forecast at budget. This is due mostly to an increase in corporate income tax revenue, higher-than expected investment income as a result of improved markets, and higher oil and bitumen royalties.
Expense is forecast to be $575 million higher than forecast at budget, primarily due to increased funding for emergency and disaster assistance for agriculture, forest fire-fighting costs, combating mountain pine beetle infestations, capital grants, and higher caseloads in income support and health benefit programs.
The Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund second quarter update was released with the second quarter fiscal update. The Heritage Fund earned $1.9 billion on a fair value basis over the first two quarters of 2009-10. This equates to a return of 13.6 per cent, compared to a loss of 7.2 per cent for the same period last year. Fair value is similar to market value.
The Alberta government’s plan for economic recovery, The Way Forward, will bring Alberta back into a surplus position by 2012-13 by trimming government spending; using short-term savings to protect key programs; continuing to invest in public infrastructure; and helping our province’s industries remain competitive to attract investment, jobs and create prosperity.
Capital region school boards honoured for a job well done
Twenty-four school boards in and around Edmonton are receiving an award recognizing their leadership teams for outstanding work that contributes to student success.
School boards are eligible to receive Minister’s Education Leadership Recognition Awards (MELRA) if their annual results demonstrate significant improvement and/or very high achievement in any of the following categories:
MELRA recipients are being honoured by Alberta Education at five events throughout the province. Award recipients from in and around Edmonton will be honoured by Janice Sarich, Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Education and MLA for Edmonton-Decore on Nov. 27 in Edmonton at the Delta Hotel (Edmonton South) at 9:30 a.m.
For more information about the MELRA celebrations and to view the 2009 award recipients by district and category, visit and scroll down to the spotlight section.
Alberta Education created the Minister’s leadership awards in collaboration with the Alberta School Boards Association, the Alberta School Councils’ Association, the Alberta School Business Officials Association, the College of Alberta School Superintendents, and the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
Improved oil sands practices aim of $25-million provincial grant
Improved oil sands tailings management, advanced reclamation methods and greenhouse gas reduction technologies are three areas of clean energy research that will be advanced through a $25-million grant from the Government of Alberta to the University of Alberta.
In a unique international partnership, researchers from the University of Alberta are collaborating with the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres to drive innovation towards cleaner energy production, with particular focus on the province’s oil sands.
In September, the University of Alberta signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Helmholtz Association to establish the Helmholtz Alberta Initiative. The five-year research venture will address key challenges encountered when advancing the sustainable development of Alberta’s oil sands, including cleaner alternative to tailings management, more efficient methods of reclamation and developing renewable energy sources.
Alberta’s share of the ecoTrust is $155.9 million, and $52.45 million has been allocated to date by the Government of Alberta into clean energy research and waste-to-energy projects. The Canadian government established the Canada ecoTrust for Clean Air and Climate Change in 2007 by distributing $1.5 billion among all the provinces and territories to assist with clean air and climate change initiatives of their choosing.
This research supports Alberta’s Climate Change Strategy. For more information on this strategy, visit
Criminal property valued at $11 million seized through new law
Over the past year, more than $11 million in real estate, cars, and cash linked to criminal activity have been removed from Alberta communities through new provincial legislation.
The Victims Restitution and Compensation Payment Act became law in the fall of 2008. It allows the Civil Forfeiture Office to ask the court to seize property acquired illegally as well as property used to carry out illegal acts.
The estimated value of property seized in the first year under this new law is $11.4 million. The early success is being credited to an effective working relationship between Alberta’s Civil Forfeiture Office and the RCMP, RCMP Integrated Proceeds of Crime unit (IPOC) and municipal police services across the province. Proceeds from the sale of seized property are used to compensate identifiable victims and organizations that support victims.
Alberta’s Civil Forfeiture Office is the only one in Canada specifically targeting vehicles used by drug dealers. Vehicles proven in court to have been used in criminal activity are forfeited and sold at auction. To date, 59 vehicles tied to the drug trade have been removed from Alberta communities, 43 of those from Edmonton.
An important part of the government’s plan for a strong economic recovery is maintaining support for programs and services Albertans need most, such as health care, education and safe and vibrant communities. For more information on the plan visit
As the MLA for Edmonton Millwoods, I am always available to assist constituents. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the second quarter fiscal update, education in the Capital region, oil sands research, the Civil Forfeiture Office, or any other matter, I can be reached in my constituency office at 780-414-1000, or in Edmonton at [email protected].
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