Publisher's Note
by CK
May is the month of flowers not just in the Philippines but also here in Calgary. A lot of my neighbors have done their spring cleaning and unfortunately I cannot cope up with them. I remember that during this time of the year my husband, Hank gets busier day by day. He takes care [...]
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Page added on April 19, 2010
by Pastor Nilo Briones of Jesus Word of Life Church
Power is most sought after in this world that defines success in terms of having it in material and physical realms. But with the recent celebration of Easter where Christian faith declares that Jesus is risen from the grave, this is over and beyond ultimate power! It basically reminds us of God’s absolute sovereignty over life and death.
Jesus is indeed risen from the dead while all other founders of religion have rotten in the grave. An empty tomb makes Christianity surpassingly real above any other religious beliefs. With our risen Lord, it is now possible to restore sinners back to a wonderful relationship with God through Jesus. With His resurrection, we have been forgiven and a hope of new life in Christ is made possible to those who believe in Jesus.
With the new life, the day-to-day transformation in our lives becomes possible because the One whom we pray, praise and worship is very much alive and continually intervenes on our behalf for the sake of righteousness and holiness. We now have the power to live a holy life because the Spirit of our living Lord is with us. We now have the power to love and be loved because we are no longer under God’s wrath. And if we don’t have Jesus in our lives, we’re powerless and the most to be pitied upon!
Another powerful thing is that believers now have the power to forgive others. After the crucifixion of Jesus, Peter and the other disciples went back to their trade of fishing being discouraged that there is no way the kingdom of Israel will be restored just like the days of David and Solomon. But when the Lord resurrected and appeared to them, particularly Peter who denied the Lord 3 times, forgiveness was offered by the Lord as he reinstated Peter back to service. In our human frailty, we cannot forgive as it is a divine act which God wanted to enliven through us.
And what’s worth thanking for is that death has no more power to those who believe. Paul triumphantly says, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting (1 Corinthians 15:55)?” The Word of God guarantees the resurrection of the believers at the coming of Jesus Christ for His Body (the Church). We will then see our loved ones who went to be with the Lord. What a joyful reunion it would be!
And because we know that we will be resurrected to new life, our sufferings and trials for Christ’s sake are cowed in comparison to the glory of being with Him eternally. There is power because as Paul says, “…you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). And because we’re serving the Lord whose eyes watch over us and whose ears are bent to hear our prayers, there is power indeed!
Folks, are you still searching for power? Then seek the Lord while He may be found, while there is still time for the Word of God says (in Hebrews 9:27) that “…it is appointed for man to die once and after death the judgment.” Make no delay as we walk in a life full of uncertainties. The only thing that’s worth investing is where will you spend eternity? The answer lies in your heart as you hear the call of God today – come to God in humbleness as you repent and surrender your life to Jesus, and reverently accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Let the power of Jesus’ resurrection be made manifest through your life, and live a life filled with the power to forgive and be forgiven, to love and be loved, to give and share the Word of truth to those who know not that there is a gracious, loving God who wants to be with us throughout eternity.
Jesus Word of Life Church presently congregates at the North East Bible Church at #175 Whitefield Drive NE, Calgary (a 100-meter walk from the Whitehorn C-train station). If you need to be ministered in prayer, please contact Pastor Nilo at cell (403) 973-0623 or tel. (403) 275-8989. Join our weekly Saturday evening services which include: Bible studies for children/youth/adult at 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. and Worship at 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. followed by refreshments and fellowship. God bless you!
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