Publisher's Note
It was 22 years ago when I arrived in Canada and chose Calgary, Alberta to be my home. Leaving my family and friends behind, it was a new adventure for me to be in a new country without knowing anyone. That was the time I looked for a Filipino community paper and never found any, [...]
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Page added on September 21, 2011
By Pastor Nilo Briones of Jesus Word of Life International Fellowship
One of the most important gifts that God has given us is time. The common saying that, “Time is gold” applies to everyone – rich or poor, young and old – and all have an equal share of twenty-four hours a day. But life is not measured on how many years you have lived on the face of the earth. The striking question is, “How do you make the best use of the time that our God has graciously bestowed? When the evangelist Billy Graham was asked what was the most surprising thing about life, he replied, “The brevity (or shortness) of it.” Truly, life is short, and God wants you to make the best use of the time He has given you. He doesn’t want you to waste it in sinful or unhealthy living that, although may somehow provide you with momentary pleasure, will eventually end up wasting and even destroying your life and the lives of others.
The apostle Paul writes, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-16). In talking about relationships, Paul says not to abuse any authority God may have given you – whether being a husband or wife or parents or guardians to children, or being employers or employees. Use your authority coupled with responsibility and love being willing to give up your life for those God has entrusted in your care just as Christ has laid down his life to save us from eternal damnation. When the time of reckoning comes, people will talk about you and remember your good deeds. And a righteous, well-planned life will bring honor to God, who promised blessings as He declared that “I will honor those who will honor Me.”
In speaking about a life full of blessings, Paul writes, “Be imitators of God. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us…Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving ”(Ephesians 5:1-4). Instead of complaining and feeling bitter, give thanks believing that God is in sovereign control. We will all be held accountable of everything we have spoken or done while on earth. Moreover, Paul says, “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns (i.e., spiritual music), singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18-20).
Once again, let’s take note that “Life is short, but it’s long enough to do God’s will not only to honor Him but for your own good and the good of others.” The Bible speaks that life is just like a mist or vapor that quickly evaporates in time, so let’s live wisely!
Jesus Word of Life International Fellowship celebrates evening worship every Saturday (6:00 – 7:30 p.m.) at 175 Whitefield Drive NE (a 100-meter walk from Whitehorn C-train station). If you need prayers or a home Bible study, call Pastor Nilo at (403) 973-0623. God’s mission is our mission: “To preach the gospel, feed the hungry, and share the love of Christ.”
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