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Posted By nenette On August 28, 2013 @ 2:13 am In Uncategorized | No Comments



I have no idea how columbine got established in my garden but that I’ve had it for years. Every year a few more colours would join the array or I would spot seeds in the seed stands and add them to the display. One of the first perennials to emerge in spring displaying dainty flowers and lazy foliage. This highly sought after old fashioned perennial is available in a vast array of colours, combinations and sizes.

Columbine grows well in full sun or partial shade. It adapts well to most soil conditions but does best in well drained, moist, fertile soil. It self seeds and is considered a vigorous but not invasive plant. The young seedlings can be transplanted to other locations easily but dislikes having their roots disturbed when more mature due to a long tap root that gets to be about a foot long. Once the soil falls away from the root, the plant really struggles to re-establish; so start with young plants.

This elegant perennial flowers come in many colours like red, yellow, pink, purple, blue and white. The colour of the spurs often differs from that of the petals. It blooms in the spring and summer and is rated for zones 2-8.

Use columbines in a rock garden, a formal or casual border or in a naturalized setting or even mass planting. If you have a variety of columbines planted near each other, you may wind up with a new cultivar. Cross breeding results in many hybrid forms. The wide variety of flower colours is the most interesting of all with this perennials.

Most range in height of 24″ to 36″ and a spread of 12-24″ width with a grand show of colours. Although mildew, rust, fungal leaf spot, root rot, aphids, caterpillars and leaf miners are listed as problems and pests. I’ve have very few issues with this perennial. It has a very important function in my garden.


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URL to article: http://pinoytimes.ca/2013/08/uncategorized/gardeners-corner-3/

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[1] Image: http://pinoytimes.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Aquilegia_columbine_magpie_cultivar_21.jpg

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