Publisher's Note
Dear readers, Last February it was the month of Love and trues enough that was the month when I received that last Valentines card from my husband. I did not know that even in his hospital bed he asked his youngest daughter to get me a card and a box of chocolates to make me feel [...]
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Page added on May 19, 2016
Erwin D Maramat
“Health is wealth.” No, I did not come up with this quote but I did write everything that follows.
Not to be limited in scope, health is truly wealth. Health should not be limited to the physiological and physical well-being of mankind. Health influences the majority of the things we do in life, or to say the very least, the way I interpret it. There is nothing special about the things I am about to say as most of the ideas are but generalities but then again I have yet to come across an article that focuses on health is wealth.
A healthy relationship is wealth. Having the best of companionship through mutual respect brings about the best in any relationship. A healthy relationship leads to positive outlook and provides an environment conducive to our growth. Where there is an uninterrupted flow of communication to strengthen the bonds between and among people, there is room to bring in abundance.
A healthy outlook is wealth. While there are times our feelings are largely influenced by what transpires outside ourselves triggering reactions that may or may not be favourable for us, a healthy outlook brings out the best in us. Instead of engaging our adversaries, we opt to seek the concealed opportunity in the matter. If we were abandoned with a gaping hole in our heart, we move on until someone comes along to make us realize that the past lies as an experience to makes us wiser and better equipped to love. If we are jobless and broke, we seize the moment and let it propel us to see farther and dig deeper than ever before. By being positive we can do what we do more effectively and efficiently, and without the hassles the more input we have in our lives.
A healthy management of time is wealth. Wasted time is lost time and time lost rarely comes around. We have to learn the value of discipline in terms of spending our time by doing the important ones and spending it with the right people who also shares the same interest of consuming the seconds to achieve a daily goal rather than squandering time on matters of little consequence. Life is so short when it comes to making the right choices but life is long knowing that we have to define the future by what we do today.
Rendering a sound judgement; wisely weighing our options, and calculating risks leading up to those choices and arriving at a sound decision free of regrets is a healthy plan. A healthy plan is wealth. Nothing is certain but we can always be tactical, knowing what to do rather scratch our head when faced with a dead end. Having the right plan reduces the risk of wasting time and resources, and as there is an immediate resolution, we would always find ourselves in the flow of things no matter what.
A healthy management of means is wealth. You would have to want to be the best and believe that you are. To be the best live as the best but do not go beyond your means. Want to go on your dream vacation? Save up and stay at the best hotel. Want to be dressed in style and stay sharp? Save up and buy the clothes that best highlight your personality. Express yourself and do away with stereotypes. Want to drive a fancy car? Save up and buy but take into consideration the maintenance and petroleum prices. If you are an impulsive shopper, always put your desires into check and look before you leap.
A healthy literacy is wealth. It is more than just being in the know, it is about lifting shadows off the mind. Rather than making assumptions and jumping to a conclusion, we have to be self-reliant, and without definition of the unknown something is insignificant and of little use as what John Dewey have stated in his book how we think. You cannot douse fire with an empty bucket according to Erwin Maramat, oh that is I. You cannot be the best in what you do if you have an inadequate knowledge of what truly is you are doing. The more you learn, the more you earn, it is that simple, unless politics is in play.
A healthy skill set is wealth. A healthy mastery of the things we do is wealth. Being passionate in refining our skills is wealth. Athletes perform effortlessly because they train every day and get paid handsomely for their performance. Bands who constantly practice and who constantly put their best into practice defy trends, Metallica for one. Manny Pacquiao is a champ because he practices like a champ and above all take a champ of a beating from his rigorous training but almost all of the time his passion to train and outperform his opponent yields a desirable result.
A healthy sense of kindness and compassion is wealth. When the world is healthy then the entire human race is healthy and quite the opposite where there is poverty there is no health and as the premise obviously points out without health there is wealth. By doing our part in giving whenever we can and making sure our contributions reach those who we intend to receive and contrary to what Ralph Waldo Emerson thinks, the world is better off if we helped each other out.
Now if I could put some of this things into practice then there’s a chance for me to get wealthy.
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