Publisher's Note

  • Publisher’s Note

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!  HAPPY THREE KINGS! As we are now in 2019, new year, new beginnings, new challenges and  new opportunities.  Everyone is entitled to make their new year’s resolution for as long as they keep it in mind and make sure that they do it to the best of their ability.  When I was young [...]

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Page added on June 16, 2016

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Publisher’s Note

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by: CK

Change is inevitable ………everything in the past 20 years have changed.  But as we all know we cannot stop the world from changing and that’s the only thing constant in this world ….change.

The recently concluded presidential election only shows that the Filipinos are wanting a big change in the country with the results and the proclamation of president elect Rodrigo Duterte who has been the Mayor of Davao City for over 20 years.  Definitely there will be a big difference from the Aquino administration to the upcoming Duterte administration.  So let’s be observant and vigilant if the new administration will make a big change for the better.

Weather wise we have been going thru our summer as early as the last week of May and we hope that this will last for at least the next 8 weeks or so.  Please get hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water or more.  Make sure you use sunscreen lotion to keep your skin from being burned under the sun.  Wear comfy clothes, hat and footwear for the summer. Enjoy the outdoors to get lots of Vitamin D.

Last but not the least, let us not forget that we should remember to go out and participate in some of our community’s celebration of the 118th Philippine Independence Day.  And also this coming August 2016, the Philippine Languages and Culture Society of Alberta will be holding its very first event in commemoration of our Linggo ng Wika.  Please check out the poster on one of the pages of this issue and find out how interesting this day of celebration will be for the entire family.  Please spread the word for this upcoming event.  Let us not forget that Calgary Stampede will be just around the corner in July and so with Globalfest this coming August as well.

Until next issue, let’s work together to unite the Filipino community of Alberta!


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