Publisher's Note
It was 22 years ago when I arrived in Canada and chose Calgary, Alberta to be my home. Leaving my family and friends behind, it was a new adventure for me to be in a new country without knowing anyone. That was the time I looked for a Filipino community paper and never found any, [...]
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Page added on February 22, 2017
A pastor quoted this story: “A New England girl had just become engaged when the Civil War broke out. Her fiancé was called into the army, so their wedding had to be postponed. The young soldier managed to get through most of the conflict without injury, but at the Battle of the Wilderness he was severely wounded. His bride-to-be, not knowing of his condition, read and reread his letters, counting the days until he would return.
Suddenly the letters stopped coming. Finally she received one, but it was written in an unfamiliar handwriting. It read, ‘There has been another terrible battle. It is very difficult for me to tell you this, but I have lost both my arms. I cannot write myself. So a friend is writing this letter for me. While you are as dear to me as ever, I feel I should release you from the obligation of our engagement.’
The letter was never answered. Instead, the young woman took the next train and went directly to the place her fiancé was being cared for. On arrival she found a sympathetic captain who gave her directions to her soldier’s cot. Tearfully, she searched for him. The moment she saw the young man, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. ‘I will never give you up!” she cried. “These hands of mine will help you. I will take care of you.’
This is the kind of love that the world has to know. It is pure, honest, true, and unchangeable and without condition. There are many kinds of human love that is not love in the purest sense of the world. It is defined by romance and sex, lust and no purity of motives. This kind of love changes and keep on changing with the many circumstances and situations of life. There’s no more commitment and loyalty. As a result, this is devastating and destructive that create havoc to the human spirit.
As a matter of fact this is the reason why there are many broken homes, broken families, abandoned children because their parents are gone. There are many hostilities among siblings – parents against children and children against parents, neighbor against neighbor, and family against family.
The Bible said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3: 16). This love is called AGAPE love. It is unconditional, it is pure, just, righteous and true. It is not determined by the object or the one being love – beautiful, rich, popular, and or famous. No, it is based on the one who loves. God loves because that is His nature to love. In fact God created us because He loves us.
And you and I are the object of God love. He just lavishly love us unconditionally. But you know what, we don’t even appreciate Him. We don’t care about Him. He wants to save us and show more of His love to us but most of the time we are running away from Him. We are saying, “Please leave me alone. I have to enjoy my life. I don’t need you this time.”
The bible said, “God commanded his love towards us that while we were sinners Christ died for us”. Did you get that? God loves you and me and while we were his enemies Christ died to save you and me. He went to the cross, died at the cross to pay the penalty of your sins and my sins. And by doing so, you can be with Him in heaven for all eternity if you put your trust in Him. Let me say this, I don’t mind dying for my children. I don’t mind dying for my grandchildren and for my wife of course, but dying for my enemies, no way I will do that. This is a human response. But not God. This is exactly what God did for you and me. He died because He loves you so much.
You may say to me “Pastor Amor, I’m not running away from God, never. I go to church. I pray. Are you sure? Let me tell you what Jesus said and I want you all to listen to this. “Anyone who is not helping me opposes me and anyone who is not working with me is actually working against me.” (Luke 11: 28). Tell me if you are not running away from Him. Are you helping Him? Are you working with Him?
This month is Valentine’s Day month. To the young people who are in loved, this is the time to express their feeling to the one they love. But this is also true to everyone who is in loved – to Dad, Mom and others. But, the greatest love you can do this month is to love God in return. Tell Him in prayer that you love Jesus Christ and that you are ready to repent and turn away from your sins and become a true follower of Jesus Christ.
After you sincerely repent you’ll experience that love and learn to love others even your enemies. Like the love of the woman to her fiancée, she was more than willing to do all regardless of the situation of her fiancée.
Jesus said, “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’[g] 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”(Mark 12: 30-31).
Note: If you have any question or comment please phone me or text me at 403-606-1115.
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