Publisher's Note
It was 22 years ago when I arrived in Canada and chose Calgary, Alberta to be my home. Leaving my family and friends behind, it was a new adventure for me to be in a new country without knowing anyone. That was the time I looked for a Filipino community paper and never found any, [...]
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Page added on March 24, 2017
By: Tigs Tidalgo
The Political Content Department of the proposed Filipino Leadership Association of Calgary (FLACA) is a department to take charge our community’s political involvement. It’s function is not only to support chosen candidates, but also to encourage Filipinos to run for public office.
Electing Filipinos in Calgary has been an elusive dream. It’s kind of an unreachable itch. Five Filipinos on different times did try so far and they all failed. It was indeed outright discouraging that no one attempted to do it for the last twenty years. This was understandable. Our community had not been in ideal attitude to engage collectively in putting our own candidates to win an election.
But are we going to just roll over and play dead? These guys knew what they were up too. They were aware that there chances were not good. Politics is a game of numbers and we were not many then. But it was not a total waste. To be reckoned alone that we existed as a real community in the city was already something of value. The timing was not right, but someday it will.
That someday is a generation after. It is now. Our growth is unprecedented. We now have the needed numbers. We have all the elements necessary to succeed. The lesson is learned. Yes, the dream can be realized; the itch can be scratched anew, but only if we can manage our resources into focus. This is our biggest challenge.
We have adequate time to work on this. This is not easy, but it can be done upon absorbing in mind that advancement of our community is definitely riding on it. We need not go far to prove this. We just have to look around and visualize where we are today as compared with other cultural groups.
We are the largest, but we are at the bottom in progress. We are often renting their facilities because our Philippine Community Center is not really a center of anything. It’s kind of a little compartment to supposedly accommodate 56,000 Filipinos. It’s paid up and stays humble to serve as a reminder to illustrate what disunity is doing to us. We are aware of this, but down deep in ourselves is still that burning urge to rebuke on what is for the good of all. We just can’t put our act together.
A community will not flourish by adopting the mentality of individualism. Society exists successfully when shared intention is fulfilled. We didn’t cross the ocean just for employment and neither to form an exclusive commune. We have to understand that Canada is not just a workplace. It is our home. It’s a country with its own traditional ways. We can not exclude ourselves from its nature. We are a part of it and this includes politics. We have to intertwine by its conduct by shaking off congenital dust in both habit and manners.
We shall rightfully behave as Calgarians because Calgary is our city; Albertans because Alberta is our province and above all Canadians because Canada is our country too. It is only fair that like any others, we too shall have a little say in the affairs of government.
The longing of previous leaders about politics were not much different to what we want today. The political triumph of putting elected Filipinos in Calgary has been an emblematic barometer to signify maturity as a community. It is a valued prize. It was impractical then, but we have all the necessary ingredients to do it now.
It is true that we are presently the fastest growing community. But numbers alone is insignificant. We have to do better than just multiply. We have to cater into ourselves a degree of understanding that it is in togetherness both in purpose and performance that we are respected. It is also correct to assume that it is a tall mountain to climb; but it shall be overcome for our need and want are on it. We ride on dreams long enough and now is the time to seek reality. Let’s put our combined effort into it and prevail.
Yes, we have a good Filipino candidate on October 17, 2017 city election.
Her name is Sherissa Celis, a well known personality with the cultural communities in Calgary. She also has done many good things to Filipinos. Her help to deter seniors abuse in our community has been marvelous. It is in our willingness to support her that could pave a way for good things ahead.
Let us therefore utilize our resources to face the challenge. It is in us that Sherrisa will make it. She is running for city council in Ward 13 to consist the areas of Evergreen, Bridlewood, Somerset, Shawnessy, Shownee Slope, Millrise, Woodbine, Woodland and Canyon Meadows.
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