Publisher's Note
Dear Kababayans, I hope you are all doing well this April and are keeping safe and healthy during this trying time. Last month we saw businesses closing down and workers getting laid off because of the economic shutdown that was created by the Coronavirus Pandemic. This puts a lot of stress on people as bills just [...]
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Page added on September 25, 2019
by Roberto Ugaddan
Hello readers,
It’s now half of September and soon it will be officially Fall. Not only that when the months starts to end in BER, that means we are almost approaching the end of 2019. It was just like yesterday when we started with the year 2019. There were lots of activities/concerts coming up this month . So don’t miss to turn the pages to find out which one you would like to go to. On my end, first on the list is the OPM Hitmakers in Edmonton this coming weekend, September 14, 2019. But this time there will only be four of them since Rico J. Puno passed away who has been part of this group for the longest time. It will be definitely a different evening without the legendary Rico J. Next stop is Orange and Lemons on September 20, 2019 at Barrio Fiesta and the grand stop is Sarah G This 15 Me Concert at the Great Eagle Resort and Casino Event Center. Make sure you pick and chose the ones you want to watch and support out Filipino artists who came all the way from Manila to give us the feel of being in the Philippines.
Let’s not forget that it’s also back to school for our children of all ages. Make sure the we give our children the proper guidance that they need in the learning stage of their life. I, myself, is surprised by the time that flies fast now that my daugther who’s 12 is now in Junior highschool. It just feel yesterday when I used to carry her in my arms and put her to sleep. Definitely, we cannot stop the time from moving forward. Let us guide our children to fulfill their dreams and achieve them. We should also limit them on the use of their gadgets since it will disrupt the time they will devout on their studies. As I heard before from my mother, your education is like a back pack. It is something that no one can steal from you. And our youth the is future of tomorrow.
Lastly, we should never lose FAITH and PERSEVERANCE in everything that you do. As the saying goes, there’s always a rainbow at the end of the rain. Nothing is impossible if you have the will to succeed. Until next issue, live life to the fullest!
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