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Page added on September 14, 2009

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Calling all Women: Have You Had These Medical Tests?

Blood Pressure Test

According to the National Institute on Aging everyone should get their blood pressure tested at least once a year.  It is especially important for women as less than 1 in 3 women with high blood pressure are getting it treated and under control.  High blood pressure can lead to stroke and heart disease.

Cholesterol Test

If you are older than 20, it is recommended that you have your blood cholesterol checked at least every 5 years.  The testing that is now available will check your ‘good’ cholesterol as well as your ‘bad’ cholesterol.  Risk factors of having high cholesterol include a family history of heart disease, smoking, and diabetes.


While self breast exams go a long way to detecting breast cancer, once you hit age 40 a yearly mammogram will be able to detect very small lumps that would go unnoticed in a self exam.   According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation the 5 year survival rate for breast cancer is at 96% when the disease is detected early.

Pap Smear

Pap tests detect changes in the cells of the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer.  It is recommended that all women over 18 years of age have a pap test done at least every 3 years.


This test is not just for men, women need to have it done as well.  While the test is not pleasant, it does save lives.  Colon and rectal cancers can be treated very easily as long as it is caught early.  Everyone over 50 should be tested at least once every 10 years, more often if there is a family history.

Bone Density Test

All women over age 65 should be tested for bone loss.  It is a simple and painless procedure that detects osteoporosis.  Once detected, there are medications available that can stop the progression of the disease and even reverse some of the damage.

Hannah Gimby is the owner of Family Massage Therapy in NW Calgary.  Hannah is a Registered Massage Therapist and specializes in deep tissue therapeutic massage, as well as pre and post natal massage.  Please email any questions to [email protected] or call Hannah at 403-850-2851.


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