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    It was 22 years ago when I arrived in Canada and chose Calgary, Alberta to be my home.  Leaving my family and friends behind, it was a new adventure for me to be in a new country without knowing anyone.  That was the time I looked for a Filipino community paper and never found any, [...]

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Page added on March 28, 2013

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It’s been awhile since I’ve had a ‘desk” job.  For me it feels kind of weird.  For most of the corporate population – this is your daily life.  I just realized that sitting behind a desk for long periods of time can cause muscular tension and pain!  This can lead to serious medical problems.  So, I decided to write this article on the importance of stretching while you are at work.

I believe that you should take regular “stretch” breaks while you’re at work.  Begin to stretch any part of the body that may feel tense to reduce any further unwanted tension and pain.  You might look awkward or feel weird stretching at your desk – but think about this, as you sit there behind your desk, in front of your computer – you are harming your body by sitting still.  The way you sit can also have an effect and cause pain and injuries to you bones, joints and muscles.  Aches and pains, and the possibility of weight gain can result from hunching over your desk all day.  If you combine that with a lack of exercise, you become a high risk for osteoporotic fractures.

Set your alarm on your computer or cell phone to remind you to get up and stretch..  Here are a few tips on stretching:

  • Stretches should be held for 5 to 30 seconds
  • Always stretch within your comfort zone – never to the point of pain
  • Relax your mind and body as much as possible

Here are a few things you can do on your “stretch “breaks at work:

  • Stand up/Sit  down – repeat.  Get that heart rate up and your blood flowing by basically doing squats.
  • Sit on an exercise ball instead of a chair – helps you engage your core and focus on your posture
  • Shoulder circles – to release the tension in your neck and shoulders
  • Hand circles and shakes – to loosen the hands, fingers and wrists
  • Finger Stretches – to relax the forearms
  • Torso Twists – upper body release
  • Leg extensions – for your abs and legs
  • Hug Yourself – back stretch
  • Self-initiated arm bars – for your shoulders and upper back
  • Leg Hugs – back and shoulder stretch
  • Look up and reach  – upper body release
  • Talk while you walk – stand and walk around when you’re on the phone
  • Walk to the persons office instead of sending an email
  • Breathe – get oxygen to your brain

By stretching and getting up off your seat frequently throughout the day, you will help prevent numerous aches, pains and injuries that are associated with poor posture and lack of exercise.  You will also benefit by increasing the amount of oxygen going to your brain.  You will be more alert and will be able to think more clearly for problem solving tasks.

So, if someone is laughing at you for stretching at your desk – tell them your improving your productivity.  Now get up and stretch!


Jay Raymundo
Corporate Wellness Coordinator  - FGL Sports
Can-Fit-Pro Certified (PTS, NWS, PFS)
Crossfit Level 1 – Trainer
MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach
Level 2 Fitness Kickboxing


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