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Page added on March 23, 2018

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Robin Padilla gets tearful call from mommy Eva about Mariel Rodriguez’s caring ways

Robin Padilla gets tearful call from mommy Eva about Mariel Rodriguez’s caring ways thumbnail

We’ve all heard of monsters-in-law, in-laws who are meddlesome, aggravating and manipulative — the kind that pose as a potential threat and nightmare to every married couple. Few are lucky to say they never have to resort to such names, and for Eva Cariño-Padilla, action star Robin Padilla’s mom, she can claim that she and daughter-in-law Mariel Rodriguez are in great terms.

Robin took to Instagram yesterday to share a heartwarming story about his wife and mother; the latter apparently called him up in tears the other day, Tuesday.

My mother called me up on the phone yesterday afternoon and she was in tears. I was shocked and nervous, but found out there wasn’t any emergency. She just wanted me to know that she loves my wife very much.

Eva told Robin on the phone that she and Mariel recently went to a birthday party of his aunt Letty. Once they arrived to the party, Eva felt the need to pee, so she went to the toilet. However, she discovered the toilet was dirty, perhaps after being used one time too many by all the visitors.

“Mariel went with her to the comfort room and cleaned the place. Even the toilet bowl, she covered every inch of it with tissue so my mother can sit down”

Robin then commended his wife for her selflessness. Many thanks to you, @marieltpadilla. Your beauty comes from your heart before your physical looks.

They say that when a man marries, he leaves behind his mother to embrace a new life with his wife. In Padilla’s case, however, he luckily gets to keep both.


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